
Pregnancy and Prenatal Vitamins

It can be difficult to consume all the necessary nutrients that our body requires in our daily diet, even if we pay close attention to what we eat and try and eat the right foods. For many women who are trying to conceive, it is common for them to take a variety of vitamins as a way of boosting their fertility. In food form, a nutrient like folic acid is not well absorbed by our bodies, however in supplement form it is consumed perfectly well.

The subject of Pregnancy and Prenatal Vitamins is a controversial one. Certainly, because this is an area of medicine that is largely unregulated, it does mean that finding the right pill can be hard. Many women choose an “all-in-one” tablet for their prenatal vitamins. On paper, this would seem the most obvious and logical thing to do. However, even this simple choice can come with its own problems.

The Role of Prenatal Vitamins in Pregnancy

You’ve decided to start a family – how exciting! As you embark on this incredible journey, it’s crucial to understand the vital role prenatal vitamins play in supporting a healthy pregnancy. These little pills may seem insignificant, but they pack a powerful punch of essential nutrients that can make a world of difference for both you and your growing baby.

Think of prenatal vitamins as your trusty sidekicks, helping to fill in any nutritional gaps that your diet alone might miss. Even if you’re a master chef whipping up the most balanced meals, it can be challenging to consume all the necessary nutrients through food alone, especially during pregnancy when your body’s demands are higher.

Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins

Taking prenatal vitamins can provide numerous benefits for you and your little one. Here are a few key advantages:

  1. Preventing Neural Tube Defects: Folic acid, a crucial ingredient in prenatal vitamins, plays a vital role in preventing neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in your developing baby. These defects can occur in the early stages of pregnancy, even before you realize you’re expecting.
  2. Boosting Iron Levels: During pregnancy, your body’s iron requirements skyrocket to support the increased blood volume and your growing baby’s development. Prenatal vitamins help ensure you have adequate iron levels, preventing potential complications like anemia.
  3. Supporting Baby’s Growth: Prenatal vitamins provide a range of essential vitamins and minerals, like calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, that contribute to your baby’s healthy growth and development, particularly for their bones, brain, and overall well-being.
  4. Maintaining Your Energy Levels: Let’s be real, pregnancy can be exhausting! Prenatal vitamins can help combat fatigue by providing a boost of energy-supporting nutrients, like vitamin B12 and iron, helping you keep up with the demands of this incredible journey.

Remember, prenatal vitamins are not a replacement for a balanced diet, but rather a complementary addition to ensure you and your baby are getting all the essential nutrients you need.

When to Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins

The best time to start taking prenatal vitamins is actually before you even conceive. Experts recommend beginning prenatal vitamin supplementation at least three months before trying to get pregnant. This allows your body to build up the necessary nutrient stores, particularly folic acid, which is crucial in the earliest stages of fetal development.

If you’re already pregnant, don’t worry – it’s never too late to start taking prenatal vitamins. Begin as soon as possible to support your baby’s growth and development throughout the remainder of your pregnancy.

In conclusion, prenatal vitamins are a small but mighty investment in your and your baby’s health during this incredible journey. Embrace them as your pregnancy companions, providing the extra nutritional boost to help ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy. Remember, consistency is key, so make taking your prenatal vitamins a daily habit, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re giving your little one the best possible start.

So Which Nutrients Are Important?

Below are some of the nutrients to consider when you are planning a pregnancy. Most prenatal vitamins should contain all of these nutrients in the correct quantities for daily consumption.


A prenatal vitamin contains high amounts of iron, usually about 14mg, which is an excellent amount for a mother who wants to conceive. Iron is important since it is used to make the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells known as haemoglobin.

Both Pregnacare® Conception and Seven Seas Trying for a Baby Vitamins contain 14mg of Iron.


An ample amount of around 800mg of calcium should be consumed by women of 19-50 years of age whether pregnant or not. No pill can provide this level of calcium, most offer 300mg at most, so you will need to add calcium on your diet and not to depend on the calcium pills alone. The best foods to provide you with the calcium are dairy products, especially milk, and leafy greens, cereal, bread orange juice, canned fish and some nuts.

Fertilcare Female Fertility Supplement has been specially formulated to contain the calcium your body needs when trying to conceive.

Folic Acid

It is recommended that all women of childbearing age should take 400 mcg of folic acid daily, regardless of whether or not they have the intention of getting pregnant

Trying to conceive Women need to take folic acid since it lowers the risks of neural tube defects and pre-term labour. This is important since it plays an important role in brain and neural tube development in the foetus. This takes place in the first 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, the time where many mothers are not aware of their pregnancy.

Women who are pregnant should be taking between 600 and 800 mcg of folic acid per day.

Both Pregnacare® Conception and Seven Seas Trying for a Baby Vitamins provide 400mcg folic acid, the exact level recommended by the Department of Health for all women who are trying to conceive.

NB: Other than vitamins, there are other nutrients like Omega-3 which is significant for the well-being and the brain development of your baby. You can get this from fish such as salmon, walnuts or by taking it in a supplement. Other important supplement vitamins and nutrients to consider are

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Copper

Taking care of your body prior to conceiving is important. Eating healthy and exercising should help you to create a suitable environment for your baby. Make sure you have the above-mentioned nutrients in your diet, regardless of whether you get them from food or supplements.