
Has Anyone Used Pre-Seed to Get Pregnant?

If you’re trying to get pregnant, you may have heard of Pre-Seed as a way to help make it happen. How about we check what Pre-Seed is and how it works?

Pre-Seed is fertility-friendly lubricant purposely designed to increase the chances of a couple conceiving. It was developed to mimic natural fertile cervical mucus and provide a more pleasurable and natural experience during sex.  Pre Seed contains plant-derived ingredients and there are no added hormones parabens or harsh chemicals added, hence it’s safe for couples who might be seeking to get pregnant naturally.

While it’s definitely an extremely popular choice, in any case, you need to understand where it falls in your whole fertility journey. Many couples combine Pre-Seed with other methods, tracking ovulation, and timing intercourse. In itself, it isn’t a miracle lotion, and it should only be one of your conception tools.

Keep in mind that journeys to pregnancy are all very individual. What works for some may not work for others. If you have been trying for a little while and haven’t had any luck, then it is probably a good idea to speak to your GP or a fertility specialist. They can offer individual advice and do some testing to see if there are any problems at your end that could be interfering with fertility.

The Pre-Seed formula is optimized to assist the smooth passage of sperm to the egg. It coats the cervix, thereby protecting the sperm from the acidic environment in the vagina that could further weaken them. Also, Pre Seed protects the optimal pH for sperm and helps them on their way to the egg.

User Experiences with Pre-Seed

Some couples have had success with Pre-Seed, and their accounts may provide helpful information to people to assess this product.

One of the ladies who the had been trying to get pregnant for almost a year shared her success story: “We got pregnant the first month trying and found out we’re having a boy. It took us a year to conceive my first child (girl) so we decided to try this product after reading great reviews. We got pregnant the first month trying and found out we’re having a boy.”

One, who had been trying for nine months, writes, “I’ve been trying for a baby for 9 months with no success. I tracked ovulation, confirmed ovulation, took vitamins, changed my diet. You name it, I tried it. Saw some reviews on preseed and decided I had nothing to lose by trying it. I bought this product last month and have used it once. And I’m PREGNANT. I’m in absolute shock but over the moon.”

These are not cases in isolation. Many users reported similar experiences, some noting that they conceived within the first month or two of using Pre-Seed.

Using Pre-Seed with Other Fertility Methods

While many of the users credit this product for making their pregnancy a success, most of the couples confessed to using it with other fertility-boosting methods. One described, “We used once during the day of my ovulation; although we also did a few times before and after, but didn’t use pre-seed. I am not sure whether this is definitely going to make a difference, but I am indeed pregnant this time with stronger HCG bands, so it is a good sign!”

Another shared, “I also followed the book ‘it starts with the egg’,” indicative of how Pre-Seed was only part of a larger plan to get pregnant.

Using Pre-Seed Correctly

Some users have shared tips and tricks for the correct application of Pre-Seed. One of them shared, “Best used when ovulating and around that time. I’d also recommend only putting in about 1 to 2 lines on the syringe. The first time I used it I ended up filling the syringe which wasn’t very pleasant. 1 to 2 lines is more than enough.”

Another user commented, “We didn’t use the applicator, just a bit on my partner was enough for us!” This indicates that one size may not fit all, and different methods may need to be tried by a couple in order for them to know what works for them.

Patience and Perseverance

While many people report quick success with Pre-Seed, others underscore the importance of patience. One customer related: “Was trying for 2 years. I used this a total of 3 times. The last being the one I had my tubes tested to see if blockage. Now, I really believe this helped the sperm get where they had to be after that procedure (same cycle).”

This experience therefore puts it across that even for couples who have tried for long or with other fertility challenges, Pre-Seed can make a difference.

Peace of Mind

The existence of Pre-Seed gives many users peace of mind during the conception journey. One user writes, “Very slippery, but gives you the peace of mind that you aren’t damaging the sperm which can happen with other lubricants.”

This is captured by several users who appreciate the security of using a product designed specifically to aid in getting pregnant.

Considerations and Side Effects

The vast majority of users found this product useful, although a few users found out it was “very slippery” or, in less negative terms, “a little messy.” One user warned: “Make sure you wear a panty liner the day after as it is a little messy but definitely works.”


While individual experiences may vary, many women did report positive results with Pre-Seed. Note that fertility is an extremely complex issue and might work differentially on another couple. Pre-Seed seems to turn out to be instrumental in many conception journeys of couples, especially when used together with other fertility-prompting ways like monitoring ovulation.

If you’re looking to use Pre-Seed, give it a go as part of your comprehensive conception strategy. As one user says: “It is hard to tell whether this helped us or not, but it definitely didn’t stop my partner from getting pregnant—that was sort of one of my reservations about trying a product like this. To everybody reading this review, I was in your exact shoes. I would just say you have nothing to lose in trying this product.”

Always remember that if you’re having trouble conceiving, consult a health professional for advice that’s pertinent to you and your specific situation.

Pre-Seed lubricant is available for purchase online from Zoom Baby, one of the Internet’s most trusted sites for fertility products. Although it is also carried in some larger high street pharmacies like Boots and Superdrug, purchasing online often brings better pricing and convenience.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

This post first appeared in February 2023 and was updated last in July 2024.

Zoom Baby is a leading supplier of Pregnancy Tests and Ovulation Test Kits

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