
Where to buy Cheap Ovulation Test Kits?

Trying to choose which ovulation test to buy can be a very daunting experience if you’ve never done it before. The wide range of tests available, all making different claims to reliability and chances of success, means that it is not that easy to compare like for like. However, there are bargains to be had on the web when it comes to finding cheap ovulation tests. Certainly buying cheap ovulation tests on the internet will offer a big saving when compared to buying branded ovulation tests from chemists such as Boots or Superdrug, or supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s or Asda.

Are Cheap Ovulation Tests Reliable?

Cheap ovulation test kits can be very reliable as long as you know what to look for! Certainly we have seen lots of cheap ovulation test kits that we would not recommend you buy. The key to buying cheap ovulation test kits is to make sure that you buy from a reputable supplier that has experience in offering ovulation predictor kits and who can offer advice when asked. At Zoom Baby we have been offering ovulation and pregnancy test on the web since 2007. We have the expert knowledge of home tests kits that cannot be found when buying cheap ovulation tests from eBay or other, less specialised online marketplaces.

What Should I Look for When Buying Cheap Ovulation Tests?

You should only buy Ovulation Tests that are CE marked. This mark is required on a medical devices that are sold in the EU. Ovulation Tests that are manufactured for the US market may be advertised as being “FDA Approved” or “FDA Cleared” At Zoom Baby, we source all of our Ovulation Tests from within the EU, so all of our test kits are CE marked.

Standard or Extra-Sensitive Ovulation Tests?

Ovulation tests come in different sensitivities and you should be aware of this when looking for cheap ovulation predictor kits. Our standard and deluxe ovulation test kits have are sensitive to 30 miU/ml, which means that they are suitable for about 90% of women that are looking to predict ovulation. Our standard ovulation tests also come in an extra-sensitive version, having a cut-off of 20 miU/ml. These more specialised ovulation tests should only be used by the small number of women that need an extra-sensitive ovulation test. Read our article on choosing the correct ovulation test sensitivity for you.

Does the Width of the Test Matter?

Like many things in life, size does matter, and that includes when buying Ovulation Tests! As most tests are supplied in strip format, the wider the tests will be easier to use and interpret that the thinner ones. Our standard ovulation test kits are 3.5mm wide and our deluxe tests are 4.0mm wide. Both sizes of tests should be okay for accurate detection of the all-important LH surge that takes place just before ovulation. Many of the cheap ovulation tests that we have seen are just 2.5mm wide, which is too thin in our opinion. These thin tests tend to be cheap because they aren’t made up of much material at all, however they are a waste of money at the same time because they are too thin to be reliable. Our advice, don’t buy cheap ovulation test strips that are less than 3.5mm wide!


Trying for a baby is an intensely personal matter and it’s important to know that your ovulation tests will be sent to you in a discreet manner. All Zoom Baby packages are sent out in plain packaging with a private return address, so that the contents of the package remain private to just the sender!

When to Start Testing

Knowing when to begin using ovulation tests is crucial for maximising your chances of conception. Typically, you should start testing about 10 days after the first day of your last period. However, this can vary depending on your cycle length. If you have irregular cycles, you might need to start testing earlier.

Keep in mind that ovulation usually occurs 24-36 hours after a positive test result. To increase your odds, it’s best to have intercourse on the day you get a positive result and for the following two days. Remember, cheap ovulation tests are just as effective as pricier options when used correctly, so don’t feel pressured to splurge on expensive brands.

At Zoom Baby we specialise in cheap ovulation tests that offer a reliable alternative to the more expensive tests that you will find in the shops. (Note: We also offer cheap pregnancy tests too!) You can buy from us with complete confidence that the test we supply will reliably help you predict ovulation. When you are looking for the best ovulation test kits, you won’t go too far wrong buying from Zoom Baby!

Photo by Zoom Baby

This post first appeared in 2013 and was last updated in June 2024.

Zoom Baby is a leading supplier of Pregnancy Tests and Ovulation Test Kits

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